Drive Your Company Growth Through Digital Transformation

Farzana Afrin Tisha
5 min readJun 29, 2022


Companies that are undergoing digital transformation are still in the minority; yet, the opportunity is there for those prepared to break bad habits and take calculated risks.

The majority of businesses and multinational corporations have yet to significantly shift toward data-driven cultures; instead, they continue to make decisions top-down, with senior leadership being solely responsible for product development. Even though there is a ton of data, most businesses claim it isn’t being utilized to their satisfaction. And the majority of the time, research reveals that they are stuck in the analysis stage, trying to choose the best course of action rather than moving on.

Of course, there is a great opportunity on the sunny side of everything. Business leaders who worry about falling behind are still in the majority due to the slow rate of change. Those that decide to start implementing new methods of working have an unheard-of opportunity to surpass rivals. Those that don’t will continue to be lagging behind.

The secret is to succeed quickly and to also score some victories, even if they are small ones. It’s because of this that you are able to take on larger-scale projects and have the backing of the entire organization.

Digital transformation involves not only adopting new technology but also exploiting that technology to stimulate economic expansion. Leaders that anticipate business reinvention start making investments in their strategy, processes, workforce, and culture. These adjustments focus more on impact than scope size. Leaders begin to build the basis for transformation by making little adjustments.

Despite the excitement of the swiftly arriving new digital era, many businesses frequently feel like they are falling behind in the digital transformation process. Only a small portion of worldwide IT investment, according to experts, has migrated to the cloud. The majority of firms have not yet benefited from the potential disruption that comes with next-generation economies of scale, speed, automation, and intelligence. Every institution has a relative beginning. It requires sustained work to build the organizational momentum required to start the digital transformation process. Every business faces this difficulty, and the C-Suite is unanimous that using the cloud to transition digitally is essential for attaining success.

The biggest question we have is probably why so many businesses are still lagging behind when it comes to digital transformation despite their efforts going back at least a decade. What problem are we looking to solve?

We frequently rush towards solving ill-defined problems, I suppose. Launching a transformation project without having a clear grasp of or agreement on what success looks like is not unusual.

This is due to the fact that many businesses are placing the cart before the horse by prioritizing technology above business. It’s comforting to believe that everyone embarks on a transformation trip at the same logical time and location, and it’s simple to assume that everyone is aware of “the why” and “the how” of that transformation. However, even leadership teams that appear to be aligned — and I have served on many of them — often “think” they are in agreement regarding the nature of the same issue but never actually have the conversation to properly and calmly align on the “why” and the “how” in the clear contextual map of the world in which their business operates.

Know your customers & prioritize them!

Companies need to place less emphasis on methodology and more emphasis on the cultural shift required for a data-driven attitude in order to maximize the value of their own consumer data.

The biggest deficiency occurred with how data was being used to better understand customers, out of all the areas where we discovered organizations trailing behind the true state of the art. Businesses are awarded for being able to change their attitude and culture to accept new procedures and practices.

Let me share a story of a big enterprise that was struggling with a 20-year-old ERP and outdated, paper-based recordkeeping. Everyone was aware that the outdated systems were ineffective, but inertia had kept things as they were. The CEO decided to keep the system the same because “it was reliable, it was simple, and everyone knew how it operated.”

Following the arrival of Covid, demand for goods — in particular, the packaging they provide for antiseptic wipes — exploded. They discovered they were unable to manage. Then their CEO realized that they had to invest in technology and “take the plunge.”

It’s interesting how our everyday challenges in the digital economy are similar to this necessity to deal with unforeseen disasters. Whereas we already know that we’ll need to react to unexpected rival maneuvers, disruptive freshly financed companies, rapidly altering consumer behavior, game-changing new technology, and erratic internet usage surges.

Organizations, and especially IT departments, in particular, need to develop the agility & ability to handle uncertainty better.

If you take ERP into account, we won’t be making the calculations in our minds any more because we’ll have a database. Which helps determine our demand profile, our estimates, our sales history, and our actual factory lead times — not what we believe they are. When and what to order will be specified. In the context of this, technology is only one aspect of the organizational revolution that is required. The main issue is culture; specifically, a culture that moves more quickly and promotes more decentralized decision-making because of easy access to data.

That actually changes the game. The data is already there, so there is no need for us to gather it. With the information that these cloud technologies are now providing us, it’s more a matter of what we do as a team in collaboration.

To achieve quick victories, move decision-making away from the C-Suite and into the hands of staff members who interact with customers. Centralized decision-making slows things down.

Having the right people using the proper tools is essential for achieving the cultural shift toward a data-centric enterprise.

If we can figure out how to use technology to create that brain to connect intelligence, we will be able to have a comprehensive understanding of our clients, potential clients, and business processes.

So ending today’s discussion-

Let’s focus on the appropriate facts, make the appropriate tool investments, and, most crucially, learn to accept constant change.

Technology is an essential component of the jigsaw, but it cannot resolve the issue by itself.

There are many solutions available in the cloud, and while investment will be required, benefits should easily outweigh costs. Companies will also be able to raise much-needed money by eliminating waste from the system, which entails not just lowering ongoing costs but also identifying work that is being performed that shouldn’t be. CEOs are frequently reluctant to reject initiatives out of concern for employee morale, yet this results in ghost projects that drain resources and produce no ROI. Businesses should start by reevaluating each project they have in the works to see if it still makes sense for the firm considering its strategic direction. Turn it off if it doesn’t.


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